Tuesday, March 2, 2021
Guard Your Heart
Perfect Love Casts Out Fear
To say we are living in a season of fear and anxiety is an understatement of extreme proportions. Webster's dictionary defines fear as an unpleasant often strong emotion caused by anticipation or awareness of danger. There are many legitimate reasons to be fearful in 2020. There is the fear of the virus taking a loved one, fear of a loss of healthcare, fear of poverty and economic demise, fear of climate change, the fear of political unrest, fear of social injustice, fear of not being heard or worse killed, fear of loss of our freedoms, fear of loneliness, and fear of what a post Christian culture could look like, and I could go on and on. I think you get the point, there is a plethora of reasons to be afraid in this season. I believe that fear brings out the ugliest portions of our heart and causes us to say and do things we never imagined we would do. I have acted out of fear many times this year, and yet the Bible says over and over, "Fear not." So I've had to ask myself, "What is at the core of my fear?"
I think my initial fear at the beginning of this pandemic was that I feared the loss of control I thought I had over my life (not that I ever really had control in the first place). My very breath and yours is and has always been totally dependent on Christ's sovereignty. Nonetheless, the fear of no control was probably my immediate fear. I also feared isolation and loneliness. Being newly retired, I was already missing my North Georgia friends, and then when the shut down started I was missing all human contact. Dudley and Jackson were gone most of the day, and Cole had newly moved out, and so retirement and an almost empty nest coincided, leaving me more isolated than I have ever been or ever want to be. It seemed like overnight I went from a house always filled with rambunctious boys to me, my 80 pound lab, and my 17 year old diapered poodle. However, my absolute worst fear has been the lack of fear in our culture and even in some churches for God. Deconstruction, Progressive Christianity, Universalism are words I had never heard before. As I have had ample time to study all of these ideas, it has become very apparent to me that there is this ever so subtle chipping away at the Bible and the Gospel, creating a Gospel to "tickle our ears." Growing up in the south and in the Bible belt, I never heard someone question any aspect of the Bible. Most people believed in the Bible, believed in God, believed in the Church. It was our absolute in a life of vicarious uncertainty. It was my absolute for sure. As a young girl, I would carry my Bible in my purse. I wasn't necessarily reading it, but it was like a security blanket to me. I have always taken it on almost every trip I've ever taken. I have always believed every single word of it. There are concepts that I haven't understood of course, and will always be grappling with those this side of eternity, but overall, it is Truth. Christ is Truth. Has there always been obedience? Of course not, especially during a time of extreme rebellion against God. I felt that God loved everyone but me, had died for everyone but me, and that He did not care for me. I felt rejected by God, and what pursued was not pretty. I went on a desperate search for love and acceptance, forgetting all the while I had had it all along. Some skeptics would say, "So it was your crutch because you weren't strong enough to live your life on your own merit." To that I would say, "It was not my crutch, but my identity. " When I became God's daughter, nothing else mattered. With increasing realization of who I am in Christ through the years, I have learned to trust, respect, and love Him more and more. So when people try to change what the Word says to fit their lifestyle or their narrative I become very upset, because it threatens to shake the rock on which I stand.
Depending on what side of the political viewpoints you may fall, I dare to say you have feared the other side. Democrats have feared Trump would become some kind of dictator, feared they would lose the ability to get insurance, feared he didn't take the virus seriously enough. Republicans have feared loss of freedoms, especially religious freedoms. They have feared the aborting of millions more babies, and with the devaluing of life, loss of lives of the elderly or disabled, and fear of financial disaster, and fear of socialism. I think both sides have been looking to their political leaders to rescue them from this cataclysmic catastrophe of 2020. With hundreds of thousands, possibly millions of prayers going up for President Trump, I truly believed he would win the presidency this year. The hype was so huge. I imagined God coming in to do the impossible once again, and ushering in a win for Republican Christians everywhere. I also imagined, people like Cuomo, who had mocked Christ on several occasions would be left speechless. If I'm honest, I felt a huge defeat when this didn't happen. In my fleshly mind, I thought God this was so a huge chance for you to show your power. Then again, I imagine plenty of Democrat Christians had prayed for their candidate as well, and may believe God did usher in a victory. But just like me, I think with either win we are all setting ourselves up for a huge disappointment if we are putting our hope in any politician. They are not our Savior. I reminded myself how mad I got at Cuomo for saying God didn't flatten this curve, New Yorkers did.... I was so infuriated! But was I doing the same thing when I thought Trump was going to save us from this mess??
All of this got me to thinking about the Jewish people and how they had been waiting for a Savior, a King. They had their own preconceived ideas of how He would come and how he would rescue them from captivity, and yet He was nothing like they expected. That is why His own people did not recognize Him. They were waiting for a King to rescue them from their enemies, but Christ came as a mere baby in a manger to rescue them from their sins. All through the Old Testament, it was prophesied how He would come, through what lineage He would come, how He would be rejected and mocked, beaten, crucified on a cross, born of a virgin. All the signs were there but they missed Him because they were waiting on Him to rescue them in their way not His, and here I am doing the same exact thing. Jesus please forgive me. Please teach me to look to YOU and YOU ALONE to rescue me, to be my one and only Hope. Christ loves us perfectly. He wants to do us good and not harm, even if that means going through fearful times. For He knows that some things need to be stripped away for us to look to Him for our Hope, our Salvation, our Redemption, our Joy. If we are feeling fearful or disappointed it is because we have put our hope in something or someone besides Christ. Thanks be to God, we can repent! We can fall on our faces and ask forgiveness and turn and put all our Hope in Christ. His perfect love will drive out our fear of everything. We are His children, when we put our faith in Him. Nothing can separate us from His love. I pray the country will get back to normal, but even if it doesn't, my hope will rest in Christ. I'm tired of trying to be my own mini god, I stink at it. I need the one true God, and as His children we are all one. There is no male or female, black or white, rich or poor, but one in Christ. Jesus is our only true hope of restoration and peace. May we all turn to Him in 2021.