Sunday, December 22, 2019

Do You Believe?

     I believe what you believe about Jesus is the most important thing about you.  I think it is the one factor that determines every other thing about your life.  I personally don't believe in true atheists.  I don't believe they exist.  God says that everyone will know He exists just by looking at nature.  Even the devil believes in God.  He believes in Jesus, in His birth, death, resurrection, and ascension into heaven as well.  But yet, He is still the devil.  He is still a liar and a cheat, the ultimate deceiver, the epitome of hate and all that is evil, and even he is a believer.  So it is not whether or not you believe in Jesus, but rather do you believe Him?  Do you believe His word? Do you believe He loves you? Do you believe that He is God? Do you believe that his death and resurrection covered your sins and conquered death for you?  What do you believe?
     I have been in church all my life, and yet there are aspects of God that I am just now realizing, or rather God is just now revealing to me.  I believe God reveals things to us when we are ready to receive them, and unfortunately, in all my rebellion and stubbornness, it has taken me a loooong time to mature enough that God could trust me with certain truths.  But for the past year or two, I just stand in awe at His goodness and mercy.  Last year, I heard for the first time that there were over 300 prophesies in the Old Testament that told of the Messiah.  The prophets, inspired by God, told exactly how the Savior would enter our world; born of a virgin, a descendant of David, pierced for our transgressions, and the list goes on and on.  Then, you can see with such clarity, that Jesus fit every one of those prophecies perfectly.  It gave me such assurance that Jesus was and is the true Messiah.  Another concept revealed to me this year is that Jesus has always been and will always be.  For my whole life, even though I knew Jesus and God are one, I just always thought that Jesus came into being, when he was conceived in Mary's womb, but that is not the case.  From the very beginning and before, God when creating the world and mankind knew that we would fall from grace.  He knew that we would mess up, and yet He knew He loved us and wanted to commune with us, and so He made a way through Jesus.  The Old Testament says that man was made in God's image, and in the Bible it says "our image", the Father, Son, and the Holy Spirit.  Jesus wasn't an afterthought.  There was a plan of redemption from the very beginning of creation.  How beautiful is that?  This is what makes the Christian God different from every other god.  He is a triune God.  Some people say He is the same as Allah, but He is not.  The Islamic faith doesn't believe that Jesus is God.  That is an extreme difference, since there is no way to the Father except through the Son.  Which leads me to the other thing I realized about God this year, and that is His holiness.  I have been reading the Old Testament through for the first time.  I have tried other times, but would always quit around Numbers, Deuteronomy, and especially Leviticus, but with a help of a commentary, I'm finally barreling through those harder texts, and what I have learned is how holy God is, and how extremely blessed we are to get to commune with Him every day and for Him to live in us through the Holy Spirit.  Before Christ, people couldn't even look at God because of his holiness and purity.  Also, for every sin a person committed, there had to be an unblemished sacrifice.  There were all these requirements for the Temple and for entering it and for keeping clean.  I think I have taken that holiness for granted for far too long.  I am just so thankful now for the sacrifice of Jesus as the unblemished Lamb to cover my sins and your sins.  We are so blessed.  We can come before God any time we want because of Jesus and the Holy Spirit.  We have direct communion with the God of the Universe.  Why would somebody not want that?  I can think of several reasons.  I think some people believe they are too bad to be saved by God, but nothing could be further from the truth.  Jesus loved us while we were still sinners.  He died for the sins of all mankind.  We don't have to clean ourselves up anymore to come to God, Jesus made a way, and He will clean us up when we submit to Him and fall in love with Him and trust Him to be God in our lives.  That's good news, right?  Another reason people don't want to trust in God is because they want to be their own god.  They think they know what is best for them.  Shame, pride, and arrogance can all keep us from becoming a child of God.   
      So what do I believe?  I believe that Jesus is the one true God, that He conquered death for me and you on the cross, that He is love, that He is truth, that the Bible is His inspired word and every part of it is truth, that I can trust Him with every part of my life, and that I will live eternally in His presence one day.  It changes everything.  He gives me faith, hope, and love.  I pray that if you don't believe that you will ask him to reveal Himself to you.  He wants to know you and adopt you as His child.  My Christmas wish is that you will let Him be your Father.  You'll never regret it.  I hope this Christmas brings you the miracle of His love.  Merry Christmas!

Friday, November 1, 2019

Verses and Resources for the Fatherless
life factors ministries

Bible Verses for the Fatherless

Hosea 14:3
For in You the fatherless find compassion.

Isaiah 1:17
Learn to do right!  Seek justice, encourage the oppressed.  Defend the cause of the fatherless, plead the case of the widow.

Psalm 82:3
Defend the cause of the weak and fatherless, maintain the rights of the poor and oppressed.

John 14:18
I will not leave you as orphans:  I will come to you.

Monday, September 23, 2019

Friends are Friends Forever if the Lord is Lord of Them

    When looking at my blog, I realize I may have gotten off track, and started making it more about me and less about fatherless children and single moms.  I also realize that it may have sounded like I was trying to blame other people from my past for my failures, and I promise that is the last thing on earth I wanted to do.  Nothing led me down my path of being separated from God, but my own insecurities and rebellious nature, so I only have myself to blame.  And, like I said, I wouldn't change one bit of it, because all of it led me to where I am now.  I remember one time reading somewhere that our lives are like a huge tapestry.  If you look at the tapestry from the back, it looks like a huge tangled mess.  That mess represents our failures, our hurts, and when we have hurt others.  But, then you turn the tapestry over, and it becomes a beautiful picture.  This is our life when we allow God into the picture.  He doesn't say that we won't suffer, or that nothing bad will ever happen to us.  In fact, He says in this world you will have suffering.  But He also promises to use all of it, the good and the bad,  to create something beautiful for our good and His glory.    I cherish all of the moments and friendships that have made up my life.  Other than God and family, friendship is the most important thing to me.  I count everyone I have ever encountered in my life as my friend.  I don't have ill will toward anyone, and that is such an amazing feeling.  If you have been a part of my life, in any shape or form, I am thankful for you.   Like the Michael W. Smith song says, "Friends are friends forever if the Lord is Lord of them!"  Thank you for being my dear friend.

Packing up the dreams God planted
In the fertile soil of you
I can't believe the hopes He's granted
Means a chapter of your life is through

But we'll keep you close as always
It won't even seem you've gone
'Cause our hearts in big and small ways
Will keep the love that keeps us strong

And friends are friends forever
If the Lord's the Lord of them
And a friend will not say never
'Cause the welcome will not end
Though it's hard to let you go
In the Father's hands we know
That a lifetime's not too long
To live as friends

And with the faith and love God's given
Springing from the hope we know
We will pray the joy you live in
Is the strength that now you show

We'll keep you close as always
It won't even seem you've gone
'Cause our hearts in big and small ways
Will keep the love that keeps us strong

And friends are friends forever
If the Lord's the Lord of them
And a friend will not say never
'Cause the welcome will not end
Though it's hard to let you go
In the Father's hands we know
That a lifetime's not too long
To live as friends

And friends are friends forever
If the Lord's the Lord of them
And a friend will not say never
'Cause the welcome will not end
Though it's hard to let you go
In the Father's hands we know
That a lifetime's not too long
To live as friends

To live as friends

Though it's hard to let you go
In the Father's hands we know
That a lifetime's not too long
To live as friends

No a lifetime's not too long
To live as friends

Michael W. Smith

Friday, September 13, 2019

But God.....

  Jonah's Prayer
(borrowed by me)
Jonah 2:1-9

Then Jonah prayed to the Lord his God, out of my distress, 
and He answered me;
out of the belly of Sheol I cried,
and you heard my voice.
For you cast me into the deep,
into the heart of the seas,
and the flood surrounded me;
all your waves and your billows 
passed over me.
Then I said, I am driven away from your sight;
yet I shall again look
upon your holy temple.
The waters closed in over me to take my life;
the deep surrounded me;
weeds were wrapped about my head
and the roots of the mountains.
I went down to the land
whose bars closed upon me forever;
yet you brought up my life from the pit, 
O Lord my God.
When my life was fainting away,
I remembered the Lord,
and my prayer came to you,
into your holy temple.
Those who pay regard to vain idols
forsake the hope of your steadfast love.
But I with the voice of thanksgiving
will sacrifice to you;
what I have vowed I will pay,

      After writing the last blog, I went into a kind of panic mode.  I started thinking what on earth will people think of me, as only I can do; but my dear friends would remind me of why I wanted to write this blog, and that maybe it will help some other girl or guy caught in the same place. Not that I am claiming to be perfect now, sin has repercussions, and even though I knew in my head I was forgiven, it has taken almost my whole life to get rid of the shame I felt over those few short years.  Several life events that have occurred in the past few years, also brought about this blog; the death of my mother and my high school reunion.  Seeing old friends and saying goodbye to my mom, brought on a wave of emotion and some regret over those earlier years.  So while I am writing this to try to help the fatherless, I am also writing this for myself.  Hopefully, the final healing to those old wounds.
     My last blog was about the darkest moments of my life, but they do not paint the whole picture.  It's like those moments were just specks of pepper in a sea of salt.  Along with those moments that I had turned my back on God, He, in his infinite mercy and grace, had placed people and events all throughout my life that would give me strength and purpose to go on.  First of all, He had given me the most amazing mom in the world.  Even though she was acting out of some of her broken places, she had a never-ending, unconditional love for me and everyone she knew.  Her love literally knew no limits, and there was nothing she wouldn't do for me or my sister.  Even though I was terribly insecure, there wasn't a day that my mom wasn't telling me how beautiful I was, or how smart I was, or how proud she was of me.  She refused to believe anything bad about me, even when I was acting my worst.  She was my biggest cheerleader.  She would also surround us with family as much as possible.  We would spend every holiday and summer on the lake at my Aunt Cathy's, making amazing memories with my cousins, Randy and Mike.  Even though Texas was 1,000 miles away, she would find a way to take us to visit my grandmother and the rest of the Snowden family.  I was and am so Snowden proud!  I never left Georgetown not feeling on top of the world, or like I could accomplish anything I set my mind to.  My family is amazing and have rallied around us our whole life.  Some of my most amazing memories are with my aunts, uncles, and cousins.  All fatherless children need that time with extended family.  If you are a single mom and your family is not awesome, find one that is, and spend quality time with them.  Also, find a church family that will speak into you and your children for their lifetime.  Those things are priceless.  
      Along with the most amazing mom and family in the world, God has always given me the very best of friends.  There are very few friends that I have had since 2nd grade, that I am not still friends with today.  They just have that kind of staying power, both boys and girls.  We have laughed together and cried together and shared our innermost secrets.  Every one that knew of Mom's death and could came to the funeral home, I have never felt so blessed in all of my life.  I want to list them all by name, but I am so scared I would leave somebody out.  In our earlier years, we would hang out in my room talking about boys and cutting out Leaf Garrison or Shawn Cassidy posters from Teen Beat, or we would let boys chase us with crawdads in the creek (really it was a drainage ditch), or we would play kick-the-can until 2 o'clock in the morning! We were also finding secret places to make forts, either by the duck pond or on the wooded hill across from our apartments.  Later, we would burn incense and listen to Fleetwood Mac or make Charlie's Angels Snow woman when it snowed.  We would have hilarious slumber party's in basements, making Coke floats and snicker doodles.  We would spend endless hours at the pool looking at magazines and frying our skin (no sunscreen back then).  We would play pranks on each other or try to get scared, or go sledding in the snow.  Just endless hours of laughter and fun!  Priceless memories that made the bad times fade into the background.  Those moments are good for the soul.  Those are your peeps, and you need your peeps. Even now, my friends that I have made through teaching, carry me through.  Their encouragement and our moments of laughter are infectious!  I couldn't live without them!  Find your peeps, and if they are not people that lift you up, then find those that do!  Do not surround yourself with negative people or with people who don't believe in you.  Don't be unequally yoked either, surround yourself with people who will keep you accountable and aren't afraid to speak truth into you.  Single moms or dads don't let desperation for help lead you to trust in people who don't deserve your trust.  There are good people out there you just have to seek them out.
     Another gift God gave to me to help me along through life was an amazing education.  I will never forget Ms. Quinton in the first grade that loved me enough to throw me over her rather ample lap and give me a spanking when I had done something wrong.  All the while, giving me my great love for reading.  When you can read, there is nothing you can't do!  (For those with disabilities that make it where you can't read, there is now You Tube and Podcasts and Audible Books, so no excuses) I would devour everything I could get my hands on!  I would escape to far away places and dream big dreams.  To say I was a bookworm is an understatement.  Then, in fourth grade, I had Ms. Besse Owens!  She created such a happy place for us to learn.  Along with many other things, she taught us Rocky Top and many other songs and plays.  I think that year we were in at least three plays!  Then, on to Mr. McDevitt who taught us speed reading and all about the arts.  He would take us to Hunter Museum like once a month, trying to make us as cultured as possible.  Our teachers were available to us and we visited them at their homes (you can't do that now), but their teaching knew no bounds.  They would give us jobs to make money, and just speak such life into us.  They gave me the desire to want to teach.  A lot of times, in fatherless homes, money is exceptionally tight, and therefore, an education is an absolute must.  I was able to go on to college because of the VA bill.  There is so many ways for kids to go to college today or trade schools that it is just a shame if you miss out on that.  Education will help you pay the bills.  
     Above all, the most amazing gift God gave me, was his son Jesus Christ.  None of the stuff or people mentioned above would amount to a hill of beans if it wasn't for my ever growing relationship with Him.  My journey with Christ has not been an easy one, mainly, because of my own stubbornness, rebellion, and pride.  I first accepted Jesus into my heart in the first grade and was baptized.  Soon thereafter, I led my first convert to Jesus, my friend Donna Gail.  But as my insecurity grew deeper and deeper, my fear of God overruled my love of God.  I always have believed in God.  There has never been a moment in my life that I didn't, but I haven't always loved and trusted God.  I had so much anger with Him for a time, and because I felt like He hadn't given me any talents, I just felt short changed and tried to run my own life.  I would get to moments where I thought I could trust Him and love Him, and I would get baptized again.  The shame I always felt, just always made me think I was too bad for God to love.  I think that is probably sinful, thinking your sin is greater than God's sacrifice, and even though I know in my head that it is not, I struggle to feel it in my heart.  To this day, I catch myself when the hymns are being sung about God's mercy and grace, just bubbling over with tears and gratitude that He would love a wretch like me.  It's truly a miracle of how vast his grace is over our pride and rebellion.  Also, at times, I catch myself trying to earn my salvation.  It is just so hard for me to believe it is an unmerited gift (something I want to talk about later in my blog). But it is an unmerited gift, nothing we can say or do can make God love us any more or any less.  Earlier in my blog, I said I was mad at God because He wasn't protecting me.  However, as I look back over my life, he most definitely was!  The fact that I lived through some of the things I did is a miracle in itself.  Also, the amazing people and opportunities He scattered throughout my life have carried me down a beautiful path, and God will do the same for you.   You only have to ask him to come into your life and give Him the reins.  It may not always be easy, but it will always be worthwhile.  And sometimes we may wander off from Him, but He will not wander from you.  Seek Him first and all these things will be added unto you.  

PS.  I haven't forgotten Dudley and my boys, they will come next.  My greatest gifts of all!

Monday, September 9, 2019

Sticks and Stones

     Sticks and stones may break my bones, but oh, how words have hurt me ....  Think back in your life about all the words that were spoken over you, both the good and the bad.  I bet you anything, if you're like me, the bad comes to your mind first.  I feel like I can remember every good or bad thing ever said about me or to me, especially the bad.  Not that I haven't forgiven the people that said those things, but they really did hurt my soul.  Because of my insecurity and my endless need to please, those words weighed me down like an anchor around my neck.  I remember my first day of third grade at my fifth school standing in front of the class to be introduced by Mrs. Tate.  I can still remember what I was wearing, I had my favorite dress on with these horrible black patten knee high boots,  (My mom let me wear anything!) and in the very back of the class I heard a boy say "Big Bertha Boots!"  I wanted to die!  I didn't cry until I got home that day and was able to spill my tears over a devoured box of Swiss Cake Rolls! Those were the first mean words that I remember.  Nonetheless, school became my safe place.  I loved my teachers, my friends, and everything about elementary school.  So I just chalked those first hurtful words up to a stupid boy who didn't know any better, and I figured if you wear knee high boots in third grade, you kind of deserve what you get:).
      During most of my elementary years, we lived in Brookwood Apartments, which incidentally, was also the home of the Lookouts at that time.  Those innocent years of hanging around my friends and being heavily involved in church would last only as long as I was not yet obsessed with boys.  It was those early years that set the foundation for my love of Christ and my fear of Christ.  We attended a small church in White Oak where several of my friend's families also attended.  We were involved in children's choir, RA's, Bible Drills, and Sunday school.  We were there every time the doors were open.  If my mom didn't go, I would go with my friend Trina.  Trina's family was such a happy little family.  Their home was full of laughter and music.  I would go on Sunday trips with them to the Flea Market or on Sunday drives.  I would try to spend the night at Trina's for my first sleepovers, but I don't know if I ever stayed the entire night.  I would always wake her parents up as soon as she fell asleep wanting to call home.  Her dad was extremely patient with me, each time.  Besides my uncles, Trina's dad was the first dad that demonstrated to me the image of a loving father.  He was kind, funny, and patient.  I will forever hold their family dear to my heart, as they helped set the foundation for me for normalcy and Christlike love.  Those years were great years because I was around loving, kind people, and like I said earlier, people pleasing is only safe when you are around good people, but that was soon to change.

That's the bike in the background!
     As early as second grade, I started being interested in boys.  My first experience of trying to win a boy's love was when my mom bought me a brand new banana seat, lime yellow bicycle, which I quickly turned around and gave to a 6th grade boy just because I liked him!  I believe when a girl doesn't have a dad, she is more vulnerable to boys.  I was craving love, self assurance, security, and for some weird reason, I thought a boy would provide that to me.  I may have learned that from mom, as she was continuing to date David, even though he was clearly married, drinking heavily, and seemed to be using Mom.  Or maybe, it was from watching so many Elvis movies and soap operas at an early age, where the girl always gets the guy and they live happily ever after.  I just had a huge whole in my heart that I was trying to fill, and I thought that was the missing piece, even at that young of age.  Living in apartments, along with frequently hanging out at the skating rink, turned into a very dangerous place for a young girl such as myself.  Both of those places are like breeding grounds for predators, and I was such an easy target.  At the skating rink, as in the apartment complex, I was around much older kids, and like me, we were all unsupervised.  Many of us lived in single parent families, who would often be at work, while we stayed alone.  It was at these places I was exposed to so many things young girls and boys should never experience.
       Around age 10 or 11, I really started to develop, if you know what I mean, and therefore, brought a lot of attention from boys of all ages,  but not the kind of attention I wanted.   I wanted the fairy tale kind of attention, but that is far from what I got.  Even if boys were mean or disrespectful to me, I still wanted them to like me, and so I would never slap them or tell them off.  I just seethed inwardly as each nasty remark was made, while on the outside I would laugh or act like it didn't hurt me.  My worth was rapidly declining before I even made it to junior high.  By the 7th grade, I had already learned how to French kiss, been asked numerous times to show my private parts (I never did, but it's ridiculous how many times I was asked), learned how to cuss really well, been mortified by a naked driver of a VW bug asking for directions, had a boy climb up the side of our building to spy on me getting dressed, been asked to model for an agency and then asked to send naked pictures (I didn't), tried to learn to smoke (thank God I never got the hang of it) and the list goes on and on....  I hadn't  been called many names at that point, but there was so much pain and shame in how boys treated me.  I used to think to myself why me?  Why don't they do that to my friends?  What about me makes them think they can treat me so shamefully?  The self loathing became immense, and the anger toward God began.  I remember thinking, "Why can't I have a dad that would protect me from all this?"  "Why doesn't God protect me?"  (I realize now that he did protect me, but I couldn't see that then)  I literally  thought of myself as poor white trash. There were innocent fun times splattered through those years, but in my mind, they were quickly overshadowed by the way I let people treat me. Then came junior high!!
     I saw going to junior high as a brand new start.  I still loved school at that time, because at that point,  making good grades came fairly easy for me, and it was one thing I could do well.  Upon entering the 7th grade, I still had that self loathing going on, but there were good changes happening to me.  For one, like many adolescents, I was stretching up and thinning out.  I was loosing my chubby cheeks, and I had finally gotten out of the Husky Girl Section of JCPenney's!  (Everything I owned came from JCPenney's husky section, because we were poor and Mom had a credit card there, and I was too chubby for the ever coveted 5,7, & 9 shop!) I felt thin for the first time in my life!  This was going to be my year!  The newness of junior high was invigorating.  Lots of new people and social interactions!  I went from a shy semi-quiet girl to an extremely loud, flirtatious, obnoxious young lady.  I also went from a teacher's dream student to their worst nightmare.  I would have teachers tell me when we went out in public, "Sharla Snowden, don't you dare laugh in here!" or "Sharla Snowden, quit asking such stupid questions!"  To say I was attention seeking is an understatement.  I remember meeting one of my best friends as I was singing into my pencil on the way to the pencil sharpener.  I was a slave to people's perception of me.  If people were saying good stuff about me that day, I was on Cloud 9.  If people were mad at me or talking about me, I was a mess.  Typical junior high drama!  I was still extremely insecure, but acted as if I wasn't.  I wanted everyone to be my friend, and if they weren't my friend, I was ruthless.  All I cared about at that point was acquiring as many friends as possible, being as popular as possible, and getting the most attention I could muster.  And for a time, I did just that.

God became less of a priority to me, as I kind of used Him as a social status.  Back in the day, being a good Christian girl was noteworthy.  So I tried my best to pretend to be what I thought a good Christian girl should be.  At the same time, I was so boy crazy.  I would go from boyfriend to boyfriend, never wanting to be without one.  It was almost like I would have a panic attack if they broke up with me, which they did often.  There was no substance to me, I was just a facade. Then tragically, the summer of my 7th grade year something happened that would totally add to my shame and insecurity.  As I said, I was very boy crazy and very flirtatious, always with a boy or in search of a boy.  So it is no surprise that I, along with my friend, went on a search for boys at the mall one weekend.  We told our parents that we were going to a movie, and after mom dropped us off, we came back out of the theater and sat on the curb looking for a ride to go hang out.  Unfortunately, a ride did come along with two much older, extremely popular boys.  We readily, with only slight hesitation, got in the car with them to go riding around.  So most people, including me, would say I got exactly what I deserved when I found myself alone in the car with a much older boy in a deserted ball field.  I had never felt so much shame in my entire life!  Everything good that had happened to me that year was erased in one horrible moment.  I would bury that shame, except to my very best of friends, for many years to come.  If I didn't feel totally worthless yet, I now had no hope of redemption.  I was that poor white trash again.  Time to go running back to God asking for forgiveness.  I even doubted my salvation at that time.  How could somebody who had known God's love let something like that happen, even though I had said no over and over, I never fought him, so it was totally my fault.  I was repeating the legacy of my mother.  Why did I let people treat me like that? Why did she let people treat her like that?  We did not know our worth as daughters of the King, we felt like we didn't deserve any better.
      So, like I said, I did go running back to Jesus, but only because I was hurt and wanted Him to clean up my persona, not really letting Him have reign of my life, just wanting Him to improve my reputation.  Soon thereafter, I developed a HUGE crush on a very gorgeous young man.  He literally looked like a Greek god, super smart, super athletic, and he showed an interest in me, which was perfect, because his best friend was "dating" my best friend.  We eventually became boyfriend and girlfriend, and I thought I had won the lottery, until we all went to church camp together.  Did I mention this person was a great guy, but super competitive, and his new girlfriend was not!  I also failed to mention that my best friend was excellent at everything.  She was gifted academically and athletically.  She was beautiful, and she was head cheerleader (which I never made after numerous attempts), and captain of the basketball team!  There was nothing she couldn't do, and there was literally nothing I could do!  So here we were at camp together, couple against couple, competing at everything!  From the moment we arrived at camp it was on like donkey kong!  Within minutes of arrival, we had gone out on the lake and ended up racing our canoes, at which time, I clumsily threw our oar into the lake, eventually causing the tipping of our canoe.  I thought it was hilarious, my new crush, did not.  Then, I would be kicked out of the church volleyball game (I screamed every time the ball came to me), and knocked a tennis ball across the court with my forehead, and just spent every moment failing in comparison to my friend, quickly losing the admiration of my new beau.  It was an awesome camp that was really demonstrating to me the love of God, but at the same time, I was crying to our camp counselor, asking her why did God make me like this?  Why didn't I have a dad, why didn't I have any talents, just having a huge pity party every day!  My amazing counselor would later write me two of the most beautiful letters I have ever received telling me that my gift was that I could make people laugh, to which I held onto those kind words for the rest of my life, along with those letters. (One of the reasons I love writing letters of affirmation to people today).  She had no idea that she was giving me a glimmer of hope that I did have something to offer the world.  Those were the first life affirming words ever spoken over me, besides my mother's, and I will cherish them forever.  Needless to say, he broke up with me as soon as we returned home, and I was once again devastated, asking God why was I such a loser, why didn't any one love me?  Pretty pitiful, huh?  Things did eventually look up again, and by 8th grade, I had my first love.  Unlike the other boys, he really was affirming, assuring me all the time that I was beautiful and of his love for me.  I found myself finally feeling some sense of security and happiness.  He was also very kind to my family.  He would mow our lawn, and give us furniture, and just took on more than a young boy should at that age.  However, with my deep seated insecurities, it was only a time before it's ugly head resurfaced.  I still felt talentless, and when we transitioned to high school, I wanted to make a name for myself again.  So stupid!  It was soon too much for him to handle, and we ended up breaking up, at which time, I did have full blown panic attacks.  The kind of attacks I would have if I thought my mom was going to die when I was younger.  I couldn't sleep, and I would either make my mom go by his house in our car, or I would beg my friends to take me to his house.  My lowest point was sitting in his drive way one night with my friend waiting for him to return from a date, at which time I sat in his car, losing all sense of pride, begging him to take me back.  I know he really didn't want to hurt me, but I was just too broken and too young to be in that kind of serious relationship, and I was definitely too much to ask a young boy to take on.  Right after that happened, I also lost all hope of being anything in high school.  I didn't make cheerleader once again,  my grades were slipping and I didn't care, I couldn't even get into any of the clubs because I had burned so many bridges.  I felt hopeless and worthless, like I wasn't fit for anything, and I clearly remember, saying to myself, "Well, if nobody thinks I'm good enough for any of this, I'll show them not good enough!" and I began a rebellion of all rebellions.  I had finally found something I was extremely good at, and that was being extremely bad!
     All I heard in my head, was NOT GOOD ENOUGH! At that moment, I started a total whirlwind rebellion against my mom, against school, against myself, and mostly, against God.  I would never say I hated God, but my actions sure did.  I totally quit going to church for the most part.  Ever once in a while, I would make an appearance, because I still cared if people THOUGHT I was a Christian or not, but I must not have cared what God thought.  I began a year and a half of severe binge drinking that would leave me lying face down on my floor praying for God to have mercy on me at the end of it.   I wasn't just getting drunk on the weekends but almost every night.  Drunk to the point of waking up and not knowing where I was or what I had done.  I went from loving school to hating school.  Luckily for me, even with excessive absences, I had taken easy enough courses to still pass without much effort on my part.  I would skip school all the time.  I am sure I put my mom through pure hell. I would stay out all night, never even calling to let her know where I was.  I even went as far to fake a French club trip to Florida for spring break.  We told our moms that the French club was going to Florida, typed up fake permission slips,  and rode a Greyhound bus to Panama City.  There was literally nothing I wouldn't say or do.  I was at rock bottom!  I still cared about what people in my class thought about me, so I would hang around older people.  I thought I had them fooled but at my last reunion, I realized that I did not.  Mom would just keep trying to believe the best about me, no matter how drunk I was when I came home.  Sometimes, she would stay up with me all night because I would be so sick.  Years later, when I would tell her about the things I had done, she would say, "Sharla Leann, you did not do that!"  I would always reassure her that I absolutely did.  During that short, but very damaging, time I would be called the worst names I have ever been called and treated worse than I have ever been treated.  I blame no one but myself.  I was hurting so bad, that I didn't care who I hurt, and I am sure that I hurt a lot of people.  I would throw up so violently from drinking that at times I thought I would die, and I really didn't care if I did.  I hated myself and I would drown out that hate every night with alcohol.  People would lock me out of parties or in closets, just to get me to calm down. All the while, still looking for my knight in shining armor, thinking that he could save me from myself.  Also, during that same period of time, my mother had become violently ill and hospitalized.  I was visiting my grandmother in Texas at the time, and they called and told us that we had to come home because they didn't know if she was going to make it.  I believe I was 16 or 17 at the time.  When we got home, I was petrified to go see her, I thought if I just ignored it, she would get better and come home.  So I rarely went to see her.  She was in the hospital for like a month, during which time my sister and I had the apartment to ourselves.  Instead of helping mom out and being responsible, I let boys come party at our house.  I just tried to stay drunk and not care about anyone or anything.  Right after mom got home, she let her childhood sweetheart and his children come live with us (David had disappeared from the picture, I think Lisa and I had a lot to do with that, but I'm not sure).  At first, it was kind of nice to have this man around.  It brought all this nice furniture with him (before that we had a mattress in the middle of our living room), and mom seemed to be happy that he was there, even if they were just friends.  So, I tolerated him and his kids.  He had also promised me a car, which really helped matters a lot.   Slowly, his stories were not adding up, and we discovered that he was in a lot of trouble with the law.  We may have even been harboring a fugitive for all I know.  He was heavily involved with dealing drugs and was a major con artist.  My mom even lied to the police when they came looking for him, and asked her information about a gun.  Yet still, I overlooked all of that because I wanted a car so badly.  What happened next scarred me even further, but I felt like I totally got what I deserved.  He told me that we were going to go meet a guy that was selling him a Trans Am, so I readily went with him.  That trip turned out to be a total scam, what he was really doing was luring me to a hotel, where he would try to make a move on me. I have never felt so stupid and ashamed in all my life!  Here was a guy that my mom still loved and who I was starting to look to as a father figure, and he was trying to seduce me!  Thankfully, God was with me that day, and I ran and locked myself in a bathroom.  At which time, he came and was promising me through the door that he would take me home, even though I had really hurt his feelings (I had yelled all kinds of horrible things at him through the door), and so, with no other choice, I got back in the car with him and he drove me silently all the way back home.  I couldn't tell my mom when we got back.  I didn't want to hurt her, so I kept the dirty little secret to myself.  Even though he didn't touch me, I felt as if he had.  He had damaged my soul, and made me think that there must be something worthless about me that he would even think he could get away with something like that.  He soon moved after that, and I dived further into my loathing and drinking.  I thought that was rock bottom, but there was more to come.  I soon started  dating a doctor's son who had ample access to drugs, which he introduced me to.  I was getting to the end of my rebellion, and had decided one night that when we went out, we were not going to drink.  He readily agreed, which should have been my first red flag, but he had only been agreeable, because he had slipped LSD into my coke and bubble gum. I had finally hit rock bottom!  Because I didn't know I was on drugs, I thought I was losing my mind.  I was seeing spiders all over me, and thinking I saw my dad, and lots of other crazy things, which scared him to death, and he quickly took me home.  I lay awake all night with my mom stroking my hair because I literally thought I was dying.  I didn't find out until the next day what he had done.  I was actually relieved because I thought I had totally lost it.  Again, I held no grudges against him either, he was just a broken kid like me.  He died a very young and tragic death.  He was actually a very sweet young man, just lost like me.  You would have thought that would have been the end to my ever trying a drug, but I would go on to try LSD at least two more times.  Like I said, I no longer cared if I died, and I just wanted the pain of insecurity, worthlessness, and loneliness to go away.  Soon thereafter, I had finally had enough of myself, and made a determined decision to truly turn back to God and surrender my life this time.  But with that decision, I prayed to God that I thought I really needed someone to demonstrate His love for me in a tangible way.  I did not think I could experience God's love in any other way.  I just felt so unworthy of love, especially God's and I just needed someone to help me find my way back to Him.  God would honor that prayer soon after through Dudley.  He and his family became my pathway back to God, and for real this time.
     After hitting the depth of depravity, I truly wanted to die.  However, there was God, and I still believed with the last fiber of hope, that He would save me from myself and from all the people that had so desperately hurt me.  So, I lay face down on the floor that night, and begged God for His forgiveness and asked Him to please save me and make me whole again.  I told God that I didn't think I could change on my own, would he please send someone to help me, and for some reason, I immediately thought of Dudley.  However, Dudley and this prayer was just the very beginning of my redemption story.  It would take Jesus, working through a whole village of people  to rescue me from the pit I was in.  People that loved me right where I was and demonstrated Christ's love for me in a very tangible manner.  I will save that story for my next blog though. What I want you to take away from this blog is that I spent my life looking to other people for my worth and security.  When people made me feel worthy I was great, but when I felt the sting of rejection, I would go on a downward spiral that I was lucky to survive.  Security  will never be found in things, position, or in other people.  God made us to find our worth in Him, and in Him only.  We are worthy because He loves us and He died for us so that we could be in communion with Him.  He is all you will ever need, you just have to believe.  Not only believe in Him, even the devil does that, but believe He is who he said He is, and trust Him with your very life.  I always found the belief in Him very easy, but it was trusting Him with my life that has been so hard.  I had always been hurt by most the men in my life and to finally trust Him as my good, good Father has taken a lifetime.  I don't want it to take that long for you.  I wish I could go back and trust Him with my life a long, long time ago.  I let my anger and stubborn rebellion keep me from feeling that kind of love and security.  If you struggle with that too, just pray for Him to reveal Himself to you, and He will.  He loves you and wants to be your Father, and even though people and life disappoint you, He never will.  Just trust and obey!

Monday, August 12, 2019

Insecurity-My Biggest Mountain

 Lisa and I in Georgetown, TX
     Insecurity is a huge problem with many fatherless children.  Because one parent has left or died, a child is left with a huge fear that something will happen to the other parent, leaving them all alone.  I had this fear most of my life, especially until about the age of 13 or 14.  I had extreme separation anxiety, and never wanted to leave my mother's side. I can't tell you how many nights I would make my mother talk to me so I could fall asleep. As long as she was talking, I knew she was still alive.  That is how scared I was of losing her, it was crippling.   I don't believe this was true of my sister.  She would spend the night with my grandmother, when I wouldn't.  Lisa was a beautiful child, extremely blond headed with huge blue eyes and the longest eyelashes I've ever seen.  She was also personality plus.  She had this red cowgirl outfit with red cowgirl boots that she loved to wear.  My family called her Little Bit, and  I remember being quite jealous of the attention she would get everywhere we went.   I was quieter (if you can believe that) and seemed to melt into the background.   While there was nothing particularly special about me,  there were two things I did love about myself, my eyes and my name.  I loved my eyes because when people would meet me they would say, "She has her daddy's eyes," and I would beam with pride.  I also loved my name because I thought it was special, because it was different than everybody else's name. People would always say, "What a beautiful name." but other than those two attributes, there wasn't much I liked about myself, which was another factor that led to my deep insecurity and the desire to be loved.

    After my dad died in 1967, we moved to Georgetown, Texas to live with my paternal grandmother, Ruby Snowden.  I was only three and I believe Lisa was less than a year old, but I only have very happy memories of that short time in Texas.  We were surrounded by my dad's family, my grandmother's church family, and Mom quickly made friends with some wonderful women who were extremely supportive of her.  From a child's perspective, even though my mom was mourning my dad's death, I remember this period as some of the happiest moments of my mom's life.  She was becoming more independent, and was now driving on her own, and she had a little money from my father's insurance.  This was probably the only time in my mom's life that she didn't have to worry about money.  Soon after moving to Texas, mom bought a small ranch house and that is where we lived until I was about 5.   While living there, it seems that we were a very normal family unit.  I went to a magical preschool called Rabbit Hill.  It was an amazing place.  It was called Rabbit Hill because they raised rabbits there.  Mom stayed busy, she was on a bowling team, and spent a lot of time with her girlfriends.  She even went to Hawaii, which she never stopped talking about her entire life.  It was definitely a twinkle in my precious momma's life.
     Those years in Georgetown seemed to be a happy time for our family.  We were surrounded by family, we were in church, my mom was happy and more secure, and we didn't seem to have any worries or concerns.  These are all things I believe single moms or single dads can do to help their children feel safe and experience more security and love.  I hate the saying,  "It takes a village," but when raising children on your own, it really does.  Single parents should surround themselves with family if that's possible or healthy, and if not, find a church to stand in as a surrogate family.  Make sure your children have people that mentor them along the way.  My aunts and uncles, cousins, and friend's parents, and even teachers made a huge impact on my life.  Also, I think single mom's should take care of themselves, make sure you are taking care of your health and keeping your children free from things you may worry about.  Definitely, designate godparents for your children, and allow them to develop close relationships with them as they grow up.  This will alleviate a little of that fear of being orphaned. Also, kids need to be kids, they do not need to be your friends or help you make adult decisions.  That is too much for a child to carry that burden.  Shelter them from that or talk to them in a way that assures them that everything is going to be ok.  We had all of these things at a young age, but that would soon come to an end, as we moved away to a scarier time for our small family of three.
      My mom had started missing her sister, my sweet Aunt Cathy, that still lived in Chattanooga.  So for vacation one year, mom decided to take the 1,000 mile trip to see my Aunt Cathy and Uncle Earl, and their children Randy and Mike.  Also, I believe my Aunt Cathy planned to entice my mom to move back to Tennessee by introducing her to her handsome boss, David.  This plan was highly successful, and after spending only two weeks in Chattanooga, my mom made the decision that we would move to Tennessee with David, as she had already started dating him.  David drove to Texas to bring us back to Chattanooga, and all I remember is the tearful goodbye to my grandmother in our garage.  Lisa was livid, as she clinged to my grandmother, screaming that she did not want to leave.  I just stood closely to my mom, knowing that I would go wherever she went, even though it was with great fear and trepidation.  To be honest, I was kind of scared of strange men, and so I didn't put up much of a fight.  David was definitely a mystery to us.  He cussed for one thing and smoked, two things we had never been around.  He also had slicked back hair, and wore these horrible white patten shoes.  It was very Elvis inspired, and although I loved Elvis as much as the next girl, I did not like his plaid pants and white shoes.  I also did not like all the attention he stole from my mother.  I know that is very self centered now, but back then, I did not care.  I did not like him because he was stealing my mom, and I didn't trust him.  My instincts would prove to be dead on, even at the young age of 5.
     Love can make you do really stupid things, especially if it is a desperate kind of love.  A love where you feel like you have to have that certain person or you will die.  Mom, as many other single moms, was desperate for someone to help her raise us and she was also longing for companionship.  I can imagine that kind of desperation, as I have definitely felt that way before.  It is an unhealthy obsession. This kind of love is an attempt to fill that space in your heart that only Christ can fill.  If you don't come into a relationship, healthy on your own, that relationship will ultimately lead to a great deal of pain and hurt.  Mom's relationship with David was doomed to fail.  For one, David was still married.  Mom told us that he was getting a divorce, but I don't think he ever did  the whole 13 years they dated.  Also, I think David was in a bad place.  His mother was wasting away with cancer, and he had no way of taking care of her.  I think David truly loved my mom, but he soon started to take advantage of her generosity and kindness.  Mom always gave too much of herself.  She would literally give anyone anything she had to give.  One of my saddest moments was right after Mom's death when I went to pick up her belongings from the nursing home.  I could fit everything she owned at the time in a small laundry basket!  She had literally given everything away.  She would even try to give away her Bingo winnings every time someone came to visit her.  She was a generous, loving soul.  I think Mom was just really scared of spending her life alone, and I would quickly take on that fear as well.  I have found fatherless children and foster children have this same fear, thus the reason for making them feel secure is so important.
    The only way I believe you can give anybody the security they need is by giving them Jesus.  People are sinners by nature and will always disappoint you at some time or another.  Jesus never will.  The problem with giving the fatherless or children in the foster care system Jesus is they may not be in a place they can trust Him.  They may feel He let them down by taking their dad, or if their dad was abusive,  they may see Christ through hurting eyes.  When I was young, I definitely thought of God as a loving God.  It wasn't until later when Mom started dating David, and things began to fall apart, that I became angry and scared of God.  I still went to church and tried to act like a good Christian girl, but it was out of pure fear.  When I was like in first or second grade, we went to a Christmas play with my Aunt Cathy's family.  It was a wonderful play, one I would never forget, but it showed people being thrown into hell.  To my young mind, it was so realistic!  It literally scared me to death.  So I kept trying to be obedient in school and at home, but that kind of obedience never lasts for long.  You suddenly realize that you cannot keep up the act anymore, and rebellion is sure to follow.  Therefore, when trying to share Jesus, especially with children, you need to be sure you are demonstrating Christ's love, that you share Jesus as a loving father, and that you don't make promises for God that aren't true.  Bad things can still happen in a fallen world, but you just need to teach children that even though people can still hurt them, God will always be there to help them and listen to them, just like a loving father would.
     Security is a hard thing to give to the fatherless, but it is an absolute must.  Other things single parents can do to assure security is, if at all possible, don't move around a lot.  If you do have to move a lot, keep heirlooms, pictures, artwork that are important memories of your child's life.  By the time I married Dudley, I had lived in 4 houses, 3 duplexes, and 8 different apartments!  I had no roots.  Every time we moved, we left behind stuff.  There was even times we wouldn't have any furniture in our whole house.  Right before I started dating Dudley, we had a mattress in the middle of our living room, and Mom's bedroom suite, and that was it.  That was one of the things I loved so much about Dudley's family, they had lived in the same house Dudley's entire life.  It helped me develop roots.  Help your children have roots, it will help them develop security.  I don't blame my mom for all those moves, she was just searching for happiness and new starts. However,  I am sad to say that I don't think she ever found what she was looking for...  That is another reason I started writing this blog.  I wanted to figure out how Mom could be a Christian, go to church, read her Bible, and never find wholeness.  I believe I have found that answer, and the reason I want to blog, to share that answer with everyone out there that may be asking themselves the same question.  That will come later, if you can stick with me....  

Saturday, August 3, 2019


  To truly tell my story and for you to truly know what God has done for me, you have to get to know my background a little.  You have to know my roots. My reluctance in writing this, is that it will disparage my mom and dad in some way, and that is not my intention at all.  They were two beautiful people that made mistakes, as we all do in this life. I love them both with all my heart, and know I will see them again one day in heaven.  But i believe we must learn from the good and bad of our history, lest we make the same mistakes. My mom gave me Jesus and her heart, and I hope my dad gave me a little bit of his humor and his heart as well.  These recollections may be a bit off too, my mom told me very little of her history or dad’s. I was only to find out much of these later in my life. Mom carried unnecessary shame and so her stories were told as she liked to tell them.  I will tell them as she told me, so just know the facts and dates may be slightly skewed. I must also warn you that this post has a pg rating. I believe for you to know the enormous grace God bestows on his children, you must also know the depravity of our sins.  I plan to be as open as I can, so you can see what a merciful, loving God we serve. The remaining post starts at the very beginning, and tells how it all began…...

     Everything felt right in the world on that brisk September morning of ’66.  The excitement was coursing through my body like the wind whipping through my sear sucker pajamas.  My dad was home, my hero. There he stood so tall and statuesque, brilliantly handsome in his neatly ironed uniform, with all its shiny medals and doodads.  I couldn’t be any happier. Mom was even happy. The house was super clean, and we had had a real lunch today, plates and all. We seemed like a family. There was real playtime and conversation, and best of all, laughter.  
   Usually, our house was dark, as mom pined away at the black and white soap operas on the tube, every once in a while stopping to give me a hug, or sit me in her lap.  The characters on the TV were her friends, their lives mattered to her, she deeply cared about what happened to them. Not that Mom didn’t love me too, she definitely did, she might have even loved me too much. I was her only companion, besides the older lady next door.  Mom depended on her heavily to take us places, as she had not obtained a driver’s license yet. Mom had had a hard life. Her own mom had died when she was just a young girl, and then her stepmother had become ill her junior year in high school, and mom had quit school to take care of her.  Mom’s name was Betty Grace Whitaker, born and raised on Sand Mountain. Sand Mountain needs its own explaining, if you are ever going to understand my mom and my raising.
Sand Mountain is a sandstone plateau in northeastern Alabama and northwestern Georgia.  It is the southern tip of the Appalachian Mountain Range. Back in those days it was mostly farmers, Baptists, snake handlers, and moonshiners.  Today, townspeople still boast of it being a dry county, even though it is home to some significant methamphetamine production. I am sure, especially today and even back then, Sand Mountain has some fine Godly people as its inhabitants, I can only speak of the mountain and its folklore that shaped my beautiful mom, Betty Grace Whitaker.  Betty Grace, as I said before, lost her mom at a very young age. I am assuming by their relationships, that her sister Cathy and her brother, Junior, did most of mom’s raising. My grandfather, Otis, was from my recollection a very large man, who until his dying day, I never saw in anything but bib overalls. He was also a very “godly” man, which knowing what I know now I am using the term loosely.  Raised in a very legalistic Baptist church, where men sat on one side, and women on the other, Betty was never allowed to date boys. Her family said that she was so shy she would have never talked to a boy anyway. She rarely ever talked. At first, they thought she might not be able to. I suspect it was from losing her own mom, and practically raising herself. From what mom tells me, she was raised picking cotton, going to church, and killing chickens.  She never left the farm until she was forced to around 18 years of age.  
     Grandpa Otis knew a boy that worked at the mill.  A young man he took a strong liking to, and the man took a strong liking to beautiful Betty Grace.  The young man went to my grandfather and asked if Betty could go on her first date with him. He promised to take good care of her and bring her home early.  His southern charm and wit won my stoic grandfather over easily, and mom was allowed to go on her first date, a date that would end in tragedy and scar my mom’s life forever.  The young gentleman was no gentleman at all. In fact, he was anything but a gentleman. This wolf in sheep’s clothing took my mom far into the woods and without even the pretense of a date, raped her.  Mom may have or may not have put up a fight. I suspect, knowing my mom, she was scared to death, and never uttered a word. She just lay there with his gross sweaty body and his disgusting grunting consuming her.  Her first date, became her first rape, and consequently, her first child. A child, my half brother, that I would not even know about until I was pregnant with my first child many, many years later. A secret, I believe my mom would have taken to her grave, if it wasn’t for my birth certificate showing that there was a preceding child to me, supposedly Betty Grace’s oldest daughter.  
     Growing up in the house that my mother did, I can’t imagine the shame and guilt that she carried, a load way too heavy for a good Baptist girl.  When my grandfather found out about it, he told her she would have to have an abortion so as not to shame the family, adding to the enormous guilt my mom already felt.  But even though mom was backwardly shy, and could never say no a day in her life, she was love. She had already started to love this growing child within her. With all the courage she could muster, she refused her dad’s wishes, as he kept to his word and threw her out.  Mom went to live in a home for wayward mothers in downtown Chattanooga, with very little education, no driver’s license, and no money. Thankfully, her sister, Cathy, stood by her side, herself already married and moved out, and helped mom get a job. The baby was born, and mom reluctantly, gave him up for adoption, and never whispered his name again, until I forced her to in July of 1993!  The guilt remained with her until her dying day, she was never able to forgive herself. I think shame and guilt and loneliness slowly killed my momma. (In my grandfather's defense, this was the story my mom told. I always knew my grandfather to be a kind, loving man, but this is the story my mom told me and so I'm telling you her story)
       A little while after that tragic event, mom was adjusting to single life on her own, working at the local 5 &10 store in Red Bank, living with my Aunt Cathy and her first husband, and hanging out with her best friend Wilma.  Now there’s a character if there ever was one. Wilma was always decked out in her Sunday finest, with big Texas hair, lots of makeup, and lots of personality to pull it all together, a sort of Dolly Parton personality type, bubbly, full of life, and never without a story, a stark contrast to my momma.  I think Wilma was everything my momma wanted to be. Wilma would never let anyone run over her, she was very outspoken and extremely independent. Oh, she always liked men and would date, but never dependent on a man. She could definitely stand on her own two feet. Some of my favorite memories of momma were the ones that included Wilma.  Wilma brought out the sparkle in my mom. She taught her to have fun and to laugh. My mom was her strongest when she was around Wilma. Wilma was also from Sand Mountain, but it had not beaten her down like it did my momma. She had her own wacky superstitions, but they just made her more colorful, not fearful. For instance, every New Year’s Day, Wilma would, like a lot of people, cook beans and collards for good luck.  However, Wilma’s beans would always have a stick in them from the yard! Once, I asked Momma, “Why is there a stick in Wilma’s beans?” Wilma overheard me, and said, “Why, to beat the farts out of them, of course!”  
     So for a time, life was good.  Mom and Wilma, and sometimes Cathy would have all kinds of adventures.  Then Wilma met my dad’s best friend and fell in love. She wanted the same thing for her friend, Betty Grace, so she told her new beau to bring his buddy home while they were on leave, and that began my story. Wilma’s new boyfriend introduced tall, lanky handsome Ben David Snowden to my momma.  He was a 6’5”soldier from Georgetown, Texas, almost exactly 1,000 miles from Chattanooga. Betty was attracted to his fearlessness and his love of adventure and laughter, and Ben was attracted to Betty’s sweet gentleness and her worship of him. They were a sweet match, and thus began their short courtship.
     Ben David Snowden, my dad, was larger than life.  Buck wild, you might say. Even now at 54, I continue to hear new stories of his glory days and all the havoc and mischief he brought to the small town of Georgetown, Texas.  Dad had two brothers and two sisters, and a whole mess of steps. Ruby and John, my paternal grandparents definitely had their hands full. There was beautiful, reserved Norma Gene, always the calm in the midst of the storm.  Then there was John, the athletic one of the bunch. Then there was my dad, the wild one. Then, came Bill, the funny one, who also happened to be athletic. Then, last, but not least Carra Ann, the baby, who was also extremely beautiful and rambunctious.  All five children were extremely good looking, charismatic, full of adventure and laughter. Their childhood was filled with loads of fun on their Texas farm, a gathering place for lots of love and mischief. I imagine it was a very happy place, as it is now when those remaining get together.  
     My dad, like my mom, had also quit school.  Ben was very involved in the ag program at his high school, and had won over the love and admiration of his ag teacher.  So much so, that one day this ag teacher had asked Dad to take some cows to auction. Something happened on that trip, and Dad’s ag teacher got really mad at him, and so Dad got angry back and quit school.  The way my uncles tell it, that ag teacher never got over my dad quitting school. That event led to my dad trying to join the Marines with my Uncle John before he was of age. However, the Marine sergeant saw that my dad’s birthdate and Uncle John’s birthdate were too close to be possible, and told my dad to get the hell out of his office!  Another year later, Ben talked my grandmother into signing for him to enlist at the age of 17 in the army, which would become his passion until the day he died, 13 years later.  
       But today, my dad was home, which made everything perfect in the world, or at least that is how I think I felt when he was around.  I imagine I felt safe and loved and cared for. I felt all those things with mom too, except for the safe part. I don’t know why, but I always worried when it was just mom and I.  There was always this nervousness of what comes next and why is my mom so unhappy. I always worried about my mom’s happiness. Why has she never been able to overcome her past? Why did she never find peace and contentment?  I know no one has ever gone to church as much as my momma, or read the Bible as consistently as my momma, so what was it? What was the missing piece? That is a piece of this journey as well, to help moms that I know believe in Jesus, but still do not find contentment in Him this side of heaven. I promise to eventually get to that part, but first you must know the back story, and I must warn you, it gets much darker, before it gets light. 

Wednesday, July 31, 2019

In Need of a Father

  According to the National Fatherhood Initiative there is a father absence crisis in America.  The NFI website cited the US Census Bureau stating that 19.7 million children, more than 1 in 4, live without a father in the home.  Had I been a child today, I would have been one of those statistics, and the facts about those children are grim.  I've lived those statistics and a lot of those outcomes, and thus the reason for this blog.  I want to let kids and adults know they do not have to live their whole lives fatherless, and that they do not have to be a statistic or a victim of a society gone wild.  I want them to know there is a father who cherishes them, and that knew them before they were ever born.  A father who stores their tears in a jar, and is not a creator of the hurt in their lives, but a redeemer of the empty father-sized whole in their hearts.
    My father, Master Sergeant Ben Snowden, was killed on his third tour of Vietnam at the early age of 30.  I was and am still very proud to be my dad's daughter.  He was my hero.  I looked up to him my whole life as I got to know him through my mom, my aunts and uncles, his childhood friends, and his Army brothers.  From what I gather, he was a character of sorts, extremely tall and lanky, rambunctious, fun-loving, carefree, and caring.  I've read letters where he would write home to my grandmother about the Montagard people he was helping in Vietnam, he was especially concerned about the children and the effect the war was having on them.  As a child, I didn't understand the ramifications of war, or why a soldier would leave his family.  In my heart, I felt deserted, unsafe, and insecure.  I wasn't mad at my dad growing up, but I did feel like my mom, my sister and I were not enough to make him stay.  Later, an Army buddy of his would explain to me that with the men of Special Forces it wasn't even a question if they would return to war.  My dad also mentioned in one of his letters that he was concerned for the younger men being enlisted, and with his experience, I do feel he felt invincible.  So there is nothing to forgive my dad, unlike so many other fatherless children.  I cannot image the pain they feel over being rejected, unclaimed, or even worse abused by their own fathers.  They have an extra layer to heal that I did not have, but they can still find the security and joy of realizing they can be children of our Heavenly Father.  A Father that would never hurt them, that gave his life for them, and that will be all they ever need in life.
     As for my mom, she was the sweetest mom in the world, but she was just as scared as we were, and therefore, could give us unconditional love, but not the safety and security I so desperately longed for.  My mom was from a small rural town and had grown up on a farm.  Her own mother had died when she was extremely young, and mom was the baby of her family.  To say the least, my mom was very naive to the ways of the world.  She was not even driving when my father was killed.  Mom's vulnerability would eventually lead her and us down a hard road, and so I want this blog to be a help for single moms, as well as to the fatherless.  I cannot imagine how hard it is to play the role of both mom and dad.  I know it wasn't what our Heavenly Father wanted for single moms.  That is why he commanded the church to take care of widows and orphans, and that is my heart for this blog.  To share my road with young girls and single moms so that they don't have to go through the heartache and shame that I have gone through, and that they can find the significance of having a relationship with Jesus way before I did.  I pray that it will open their hearts to find the love of Christ.